TH93: The Fundamentals of Powerful Product Design & Development for the Woodworking Industries

Steve Wilcox

Steve Wilcox (ISFD), a 30+ year furnishings design executive shares his insights on the basics of powerful product design and development for the woodworking industries. Learn the basics of the product development process, market research, macro economic trends, consumer trends, home fashion trends, concept identification, and concept development. Gain greater understanding of your company’s design personality, your competition, and how to differentiate your product offerings for greater market impact. Wilcox’s expertise has been sharpened by having the great opportunity to work with a wide variety of manufacturers and marketers of furnishings products in a wide variety of price-points, materials, and product categories. The information presented will be meaningful to product design students, product development, manufacturing, and marketing executives who want to improve their internal product development efforts as well as explore working with outside design and product development professionals.

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July 27, 2023 1:30 pm